Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Johnson's Website!

My photo is in Johnson's Baby of the Year Official Website!
Check it out here:
Can you spot me?


My Lil' Monster said...

Pei Wun, All the very best to Bb Sean for tis coming weekend. Hope to hear to GOOD news from U soon.

cre8tone said...

Thankx!~ I also hope I can tell you good news this weekend :)

Anonymous said...

COngrate to Sean, all the best!

MommyAngel said...

Wow ... those photos you submitted very nice leh ... you took it yourself ah? So pro leh!!!

Best of luck to you and BB Sean, hope you can update us with the contest results ya. Kam-bah-teh and good luck to you and bb Sean again, this week will be a big and important week for you :)

slavemom said...

Congrats on getting into the semis! Good luck!

Mummy Gwen said...

Wishing mommy and Sean GOOD LUCK this coming weekend. :)

Sarah's Daddy and Mommy said...

Good Luck! All the best!

Anonymous said...

Hope you Sean will attract the judges. He's always your lucky star. Keep us informed on the contest yeah.

Serene said...

I hope Sean can win!!! He is so cute!

Fussy mum said...

Sean is so cute and adorable! All the best and I shall hop over again for the result.

LittleLamb said...

All the best ya....
Win already share share the prizes :p

cre8tone said...

Jessica, Slavemom, Mummy Gwen, Joanne, Julie, Serene, Fussymum, Littlelamb, thankx all of u for the wishes and luck!~

Caroline, the photos are snapped by my friend, he's profesional photographer... gan zheong and looking forward for this weekend ;)

Mumsgather said...

He certainly looks like a little prince. A handsome little prince! Good luck to bb Sean yah.

cre8tone said...

mumsgather, thankx for compliment ;)

andrewjune said...

ahhh the semi-finals is this weekend rite...
all the BEST to you & sean...

cre8tone said...

June, yup, this weekend.. thankx a lot!

Anonymous said...

He's so cute!!! Look at those eyes, wow! I hope that he wins. :)

cre8tone said...

hope so, too :)

Constance Chan said...

wowowow good luck! can't wait to hear more good news!

cre8tone said...


MeRy said...

Congrats to Little Sean....hope to hear ur Good News !!

cre8tone said...

Thankx Mery :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for dropping by at my blog. :)

Congratulations and all the best to you and baby Sean!

Remember to update us, yah?

cre8tone said...

Thankx :)

Chinneeq said...

wow!! yur boy is gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

I hope your Lil prince will win cos indeed he looks fabulous!

cre8tone said...

mummy to qiqi & hijackqueen, thankx for compliment :)

agnes said...

wow.. handsome boy should win!!! :)

cre8tone said...

Agnes, hope he can win, too.. will know very soon... this weekend~~ gan zheong..

Steph said...

wow congrats!

2ma said...

ohh, really cutey boy! congrats!

MommyAngel said...

Peiwun, just wanna wish you best of luck for tmrw's final. All the best ya :)

cre8tone said...

Thankx for everyone wishes!~

Sean didn't make it to the finals... MC said there's 12k++ entries this year~~~ So, I'm still very glad he can make it to top20!

Baby Leo is Johnson's Baby of the Year 2008!

Baby Darren said... one can deny...Sean is really a real cutie pie..he has a pair of attractive eyes....

All the best to you and hope u will win something.

cre8tone said...

Baby Darren, Sean got himself a nice Johnson's hamper :)

c@therine said...


cre8tone said...


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