For the new series of Craft My Day...

As I'm one of the five winner,
For Craft My Day Contest......
The kids will do their craft,
Based on my art work!~

On Playhouse Disney's website, too..
Here's the zoom in photos,
For little red crab,
@ Playhouse Disney webbie!~

It's one of my creation with cup holder...
Few months back...
What an honour,
To see my own art work,
On Playhouse Disney Website!~
And also,
On TV!~
So cool~~~~~~~
Mummy's so proud of me!~

30 August, 4:25pm,
Astro Playhouse
Craft My Day...
Little Prince and his craft work's On Air!!!~~~
You can now view the video,
And the step-by-step method,
Of how to craft your own crab.....
@ Playhouse Disney Website, too!