I don't understand...
Why all other adults,
Will listen and obey to me...
But not mummy....
I insist to play,
But mummy said,
I must go pom pom NOW!
Me: Mummy, go away! GO AWAY!
Mummy: Pom pom first, play later...
Me: GO AWAY!!!
Mummy try to take off my clothes,
And I'm super duper ANGRY with her...
I scream and shout and kick her...
Me: I hate you!~
I see sadness in mummy's eyes, immediately!
I guess 'hate' is a word, too strong.....
I stop screaming and shouting......
Mummy hug me tightly,
And tell me softly...
Even if you ask me to go away,
I'll still be by your side,
Just in case you might need me the next moment....
Even if you hate me,
I'll still love you...
I love you...
After she said so...
I obeyed her instruction,
By going to bath......
Instead of playing~~~~~~~
I guess that's the power of love...
To make me follow her instruction,
Without any force...