If you're following my blogs,
You'll know I'm never a milk lover...
Mummy've been trying a lot of method,
To make me drink nen nen...
From bottle feed,
To spoon feed,
To cup feeding...
From changing formula,
To changing different bottles...
Adding little bit milk powder to milo also,
I can taste the difference!!!
And now......
I officially announced,
Milk is a yucky food for me...
Total refuse to drink milk...
Mummy's wondering...
Baby suppose to love nen nen,
But definately not me...
Mummy's considering,
Introducing supplements for me...
In order for me to get enough balance nutrients,
Other than my daily balance diets......
Supplements actually taste nicer than milk!
Philip is taking the cod liver oil since 1yo. n i m glad he is hardly sick. from birth till now, sick less than 4 times. so good choice.
so totally no milk at all? maybe u give adult milk la mix with cereal like cornflake/honey stars..hehehehe
Yup, Little Prince. This Smallkucing also loves supplements coz Mamarazzi put in the fridge. Cold Cold nice to drink
Littlelamb, I tried buy the white cod liver oil but my son refuse to drink, the orange flavour he still ok with it.... I tried mix with cornflakes also, if I didn't put in the milk, he'll eat the cornflakes/honeystars, once I put inside the milk, he said, yuck! sigh~
smallkucing, I didn't put it in fridge... but he still likes it.. hehe~
yeah i thk i better intro cod oil to my daughter as well.
it's a surprise as i thought all kids love milk?
My boy Ryan is taking Scotts Emulsion too and he loves it...He will easily open his mouth widely and let me scoop in the syrup.
hopefully this can give you more energy ya.. and do take some milk if you can.. maybe once a day?
My girl love scoot emulsion too but the original flavour :) I personally prefer the original flavour better and there was once I can't get the original so I bought the orange flavour, Angel refuse to drink them thinking that they are medicine, sigh! Glad that Sean loves it :)
What about other sources of calcium like cheese, soy bean milk,...etc. Gwen used to take the Orange flavour cod liver oil too.
Little LAmb..u r lucky to hv such caring mommy who tries her best to keep u healthy just like auntie here. I also give this multvitamins & Scott Emulsion to my 4 school going kids.. great to keep flu at bay. They are nt immortal & still get flu & recover faster with better supplements to boost body immune system. Try to drink some milk ok..perhaps with flavours like strawberry, banana or vanilaa or chocolate. It's good for u to grow up.
I give Ethan Pureen's Chewable Milk Colostrum Plus.. he loves it so much..
I dunno bout scot emulsion though.. coz i hate it when i was younger.. i assume he will hate it too.. haha
Haha... Sean is totally terbalik with Chloe. She LOVES her milk. She's like a milk-addict but HATE supplements no matter how nice they taste :-(
what about choc flavor milk such as Pediasure choc? since he takes milo..
June, yah! dunno why he never likes milk..
Mery, it's so nice if they open wide when we feed them.. hehe~
Cynthia, he've been drinking once a day, since many many months already.. until recently, one sip also he refuse to drink.. sigh~
Caroline, original flavour is better gua... but my son dun like the smell.. so, have to go for this orange 1..
Mummy Gwen, cheese he eat 1pc everyday... Sometimes calciyum... Soya he also refuse..
Physiomom, it's great to increase their immune system...
Chloe, at least you likes milk, should be giving you enough nutrients..
Agnes, I tried buy and let him drink also, he don't want... Only drink milo kosong..
just my 2 cents input:
kiddy pharmaton is very heaty. you have to let your prince to take more water oh...
I personally think cod liver oil is yucky. But surprisingly, most kids like/love them. Good that Sean likes those supplements too.
恩轩至佳, thankx for informing.. lucikily my son always loves to drink lots of water... :)
slavemom, same as you, I personally think it's yucky, too! hahaha~
I give my sons cod liver oil original taste, they like it too. Lately i just switch it to Seven Sea Cod liver oil.
Kiddy pharmaton try to give him on empty stomach, before his morning milk or morning breakfast. This is the pharmacist at the pharmacy told me one. Now i feed my sons kiddy pharmaton before thier morning milk.
Annie Q, yup, my paed told me so about the kiddy pharmaton when he introduce it to my son too... Thankx for the info! Btw, what's the main difference, scott and seven sea? Just different brand? May I know why you switch?
Sean doesn't drink nen nen at all now? You may consider to let him try Pediasure choc/vanilla, it taste really good. I heard sustagen also not bad... Xixi doesn't like milk too since baby. But after she turns one, we change her formula, since then, she love her nen-nen. Talking about supplements, Xixi is taking Kawaii Kanyu drops, it is very tasty too.. even I like it! haha..
Serene, pediasure, sustagen, most of the brands oso tried... he also refuse.. sigh~
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