We went Jusco,
To buy my baju melayu,
For our MerdekaRaya Parade @ School....
I got this 'Ang Pow' for 'free'......
I decided to bring the empty angpow packages,
To show and share with my friends.........
One of my friend asked:
Why no money inside?
I answered:
Because I don't know how to earn money yet.....
Good reason isn't it.. haha!~

The next day,
I stick the 'angpow' on toilet row...
As I only have one 'balloon' holder,
I need to cut another round shape,
From mei mei' Nestle cereal packing.....
After I done with everything all by myself,
And fully my idea as well......
Then I show to my mummy and said.......
See, Fire crackers for Raya!~~~
For me,
Raya is just like CNY, perhaps...
New clothes, angpow & fire crackers?......
so creative hor gor gor..can think of that .. i can foresee he will be a great ARTIST in the future just like his mummy..;-)
He's vy creative. Knows how to recycle the materials to make fire crackers.
so creative! Good influence from mummy. haha.....
Wyson, mummy's not artist.. haha!~
slavemom, yup~ He just found what's available and come out with his idea.. I love it!~
mNhL, thanks~~~
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