Organized by Johan Speaking Academy...
Even the Emcee are kiddos!~
And they are really pro and good...
Witnessed how little speakers,
Can speak really confidently on stage!~
By just undergo 10 weeks of training,
In Johan Speaking Academy....
Public speaking is a skill,
Which is very important...
And which I'm truly lack of....
For the time being...
I'll see and update all of you,
How's my transformation...
After mummy sending me,
To Johan Speaking Academy soon....
The younger kids starts,
To learn how to speak confidently on stage,
The better it is~~
They'll need this skill..
And will be using it,
Until they becomes an adult...
Something interesting I found during the expo...
There's even a class for courtesy...
Training and teaching about table manners...

The expo is not just only about public speaking....
Just take a look at t he cute cute stuffs displayed!~
Meet sweet and pretty:
Miss Cherry Ho,
Co-Founder of Johan Speaking Academy...
The kids are playing and enjoying...
Variety assortments of games...
Colouring session,
With LS.Liner...
180 audiences,
May vote for their favourite speaker...
Who will walk away with the trophy...
And be one of the Top 5 Speaker???
Every speakers get their trophy...
As well as certificate...
From Mr Johan,
Founder of Johan Speaking Academy...
For attending 10-week-training...
And being able to speak up on the big stage!~
Bravo and congratulations!~
If you're interested,
Johan Speaking Academy
Will be having their next intake,
In March...
Either every Saturday or Sunday for 2 hours,
Especially for kids 7-12 years old....
For more information...
Kindly hop over to the link below:
It takes lots of courage to speak in public. Those kids are awesome :)
Those kids are brave! guess the teachers and parents play a great role in guiding and encouraging their kids.
all the kids are so cute! dont think i can do that when i am a kid. ><
It's good for the kids to train their confidence for speaking in public.
Will be very useful for them :)
Yes, it's never too early to learn to express oneself confidently and clearly in public :-D
wow the kids are very impressive! it's good to pick up this skill since they are young!
thumbs up to the kids! I dont think i was that brave when i was younger
good job!
Great job! Very good to encourage children to have more confidence to speak in public
oh wow... my daughter use to be very bold also when she was younger... but this is actually a very good platform to train the kids..
So good! I think its great to see kids enjoying activities like this :)
thanks for the wonderful recommendation! will intro to my friends. hope my nieces can speak confidently too. :)
It's great to teach kids how to express themselves with confidence and form their thoughts
Good job! thumbs up for them~ They do not scare of standing in front the crowd and perform!
This is awesome! I wish i could go back in time and try this lol
such a great idea to teach them young! they will grow up being so much more confident of themselves. great work!
I hope that I could have this when I was a kids, so that I can speak publicly in confident! This was a really encouraging programs for kids nowadays =D
This event is so educational experience for the kids. Hope they will organize more.
wanna let my boys learn public speaking too! something that i never mastered myself
great! a nice program .encourage children to speak up!
This children is really brave and have potential. Start to polish children skill when they are young.
Thanks for sharing! Never knew of such organizing company for kids! Gonna save down their link for future reference for my kids hehe
I wish I had an opportunity like this! To this day I struggle with public speaking!
This is awesome! When I was in college I had to join Toast Masters because I was so horrible at public speaking. I wish I could have done something like this when I was a child.
Great job in encouraging young people to learn self confidence that comes with public speaking. Keep doing. Awesome!
This is such a great thing. I was so shy as a kid, I remember having to sing at family and friends day and church, I was supposed to walk down into the crowd and shake hands...I cried... I've gotten over being shy now but I think this may have been good for me then.
Hats of to these kiddos! I hate public speaking. It makes me soooo nervous and my already high speed talking really goes through the roof. I think if i'd been forced to do it more when I was younger, it wouldn't bother me so much now.
sounds like a great event! such a great idea to develop public speaking skills for kids!
All the kids are so cute! It's really good for the kids to train them for public speaking!!
Oh wow this is amazing! Like you said public speaking is a skill that we all could do with, it will help them so much in their lives when it comes to career choices
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