Monday, May 16, 2016

Kidzania Kidz & Tech

In the spirit of driving the understanding of new technologies...
That would engage the young community..
In creative learning experiences,
Kidzania Kuala Lumpur..
Has embarked on the Kidz & Tech Program...
From 28 May to 12 June..
Where children get to experience,
A series of interactive workshops,
Themed role-play opportunities..
And online activities..
That bring the future within reach...

The robot...
With all the VIPs...
Kidz & Tech,
In collaboration with partners:
Microsoft Malaysia, Sasbadi Holdings,
Panasonic, Malaysia Communications and Multimedia Commision (MCMC)
& Multimedia University (MMU)...

Media Launch,
By Susanah Abdul Rani...
Governor of Kidzania Kuala Lumpur,
With all the VIPs...

 Performance by..
The KidZania Kuala Lumpur Artistic Team...

Tech Activity Demo y KidZania CongreZZ Kids 2016...
4 key activities...
Bringing science and technology alive in different ways:

1. Coding:
Hour of Code introduces
The basic of coding and computer programming,
Using the popular computer game Minecraft;

2. Robotics:
Experience the fundamentals,
Of robotic engineering and programming,
Through WeDo from LEGO education;

3. Augmented Reality:
Dinosaurs Come to Life,
Provides a glimpse of..
How augmented reality technology,
Will stimulate learning minds,
In the future...

4. Holography:
Take a step into the world of..
Holographic projection,
And learn to make a 3D projection pyramid-
A simple device,
That allows you to watch
3D holograms and videos,
On your smartphone or tablet...

A forum with all the VIPs,
Together with member of Kidzania Congrezz 2016,
LIshyen Shinschir Indran,
12, from Tenby International School...

For more information,
On the scheduled workshops,
Kindly check out:
Where kids can get to know,
More about notable people in technology,
From Bill Gates to John Lasseter,
In a special Hall of Tech Section;
They can also test their tech knowledge,
In the 'Tech Geek of the Week' facebook Trivia Contest,
Which comes with a weekly prize of,
Virtual Rality Goggles,
And a Grand Prize of a 3D Doodler,
And just for fun,
Young technology enthusiasts,
Can answer a few simple questions,
To see which tech personality they resemble...

In addition,
Several of the 100 role-play experiences,
In Kidzania Kuala Lumpur,
Will be adapted to include,
An aspect that deals with technology...
Children will try cases,
Involving the hacking of public system,
At the Courthouse,
Learn how to write an article,
On Kidz & Technology,
For Kidzania Post,
Get an exclusive Kidz & Tech mobile phone wallpaper,
By using the hashtag #KidZTech2016,
And listen to a live program,
Hosted by the in-house Zupervisor DJ,
Who will discuss Kidz & Technology,
And play a specially-curated playlist,
Of tech-themed songs;
Enjoy a City Parade,
Robotic Dance at the City Clock,
And face paintinga ctivites,
That relates to technology,
In our modern lives.
There'll be opportunities for them,
To experience Augmented Reality colouring,
And see their masterpieces come to life!

Don't miss out,
Kidz & Tech Program,
From 28 May to 12 June...
For a limited time,
Special discounts off,
Regular ticket prices are available..
Visit for more information..


Fred Said said...

I see that Kidzania is really always innovating. It really cannot remain stagnant because kids are always looking for something new. They do not want to be bored.

Unknown said...

Sounds like loads of fun and educational activities!

Kathy Lacuna said...

This is great. Technology for kids. I am sure the kids had a blast and I wish that we would also have something like this here in Manila.

Jason P. said...

This event must have been such fun! I think it's really good to expose kids to the good side of technology :)

Claire Algarme said...

I read another blog post about this, too. It's nice to know that there are workshops available and are being offered at Kidzania. Every time I read about this place, it makes me want to be a kid again. It would be fun trying on all those stuffs found inside the complex.

Alina Popescu said...

This is such a wonderful program! I strongly support everything that gets kids introduced to technology, the way it's developed, and its potential applications. Making it fun and interactive is always a great idea to get them interested.

Elizabeth O. said...

This is a great way to encourage kids to be more interested in science. It's good to know that there are companies invested in a child's development, especially when it's a company known for learning while playing like Kidzania.

Franc said...

This would really be extra educational for kids. They would learn a lot of new concept the fun way.

Barely Vegan said...

Every time I see these fun places for children I think "Man I don't have children and I want to go!!". lol. This place looks awesome. i love the interactive workshops!

Bhushavali said...

Kindzania is making waves in Singapore and Malaysia. I'm reading so many reviews and blog posts.

Shub said...

Good to engage kids in technology. KidZania always comes up with such initiatives. Even in SG, they are going to have something like this in holidays.

Pooja Kawatra said...

Recently I went to Kidzania and loved how they have set up different stops for kids to experience and learn.

Anonymous said...

My kids would have a field day if our Kidzania here has that! We haven't gone yet so we don't know if they have it here. But what a great way to get kids interested in technology and Science.

Unknown said...

Cool! New sections at Kidzania and I'm glad they are fitting the new jobs to get the kids interested! Tech jobs are definitely in trend recently thanks to internet!

Shiv B said...

My nephew went once before to Kidzania and didn't want to leave, lol. The new sections is certainly going to be great and its wonderful to see the engagement that it is going to bring to the children in the long run.

Caroline said...

nice! i shall bring my nieces when they are in town!

Irene K said...

Cute! =)

Angelpoiwoon said...

my daughter 2yrs old, guess need to wait for another 2 yrs :P

Unknown said...

Launching new tech at Kidzania?? My nephew love the place so much!

Anonymous said...

That looks sooo much fun! So many technological advancements and innovations for kids to try out at Kidzania!

Travellover23 said...

For sure , this must be fun for the children ^^

Little Clouds of Thought said...

Great activities for kids during the holidays!

Foodilicious said...

Kidzania really do provide so much fun and knowledgeable events for kids to enjoy. Really not bad as they using fun learning technique to develop a child.

Miera Nadhirah said...

Yaaayy a lot of new technology activities for the kids to explore and enjoy.. I am sure they will have a fun time.. must try schedule a visit for my little me...

Fateen Thalhah said...

Been wanting to bring my lil bro here since forever. Great to see they have new programmes!

Tiffany Lee said...

Cool! I just visit Kidzania for twice time when I still underage haha! I'm sure kids will like to experience the new tech too!

Sharon Lee said...

More and more new stuff from Kidzania! Can brings the kids during this school holiday =D

SY said...

Thanks for sharing. Definitely a great activity for kids.

Bearhy Hui Ying said...

wow!!!New tech at Kidzania!!! For sure, kids have fun at there!!

GengQian said...

wow, definitely a good programme for school holiday! love Kidzania's creativity and continuously dishing out good programmes.

Sunshine Kelly said...

Wow! I love Kidzania, this is definitely very inspiring and educational for the children.

Isaac Tan said...

received this email too. no time to publish yet... :(.

kidzania, memang best for the kids la

Leona Lim said...

a really awesome initiative once again by kidzania, all the blessed kids get to go and learn more there

bbxemily said...

this is a very innovative activity for young kids, to nurture them with Science in such young age.

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