Friday, September 13, 2019

Meo - the world's most innovative anti-pollution mask

It's hazy everywhere.....
It's time to wear mask...
It's Meo,
It's trendy..
It's stylish....

Meo Mask,
Is a distinctive protective mask,
Designed specifically for human health..
Originating in New Zealand,
It combines elements of nature,
Technology and innovation..

Every Meo Lite carries,
The scent of a specially formulated
New Zealand Manuka oil extract,
And soothing respiratory protection..

Details on my mask:
Dandelion design...

The safe and non-toxic fabric,
Adjustable ear loops, nose band forms a perfect seal...

 There's an extra air filter in the package...

It is highly effective in..
Filtering 99.99% of harmful airborne bacteria,
And removing viruses..

It is extremely efficient in capturing PM2.5 harmful particles,
Removing at least 99.8& of dangerous PM0.1 micron particles...
In short,
Meo is able to  protect you~~
From diseases caused by particles in the air..

It's comfortable and breathable,
It prevent allergies,
And it is safe and skin friendly, too!

Meo kids is a unique protective mask,
Designed for children..
It combines elements of nature,
Technology and innovation.
To defend children's respiratory health...

It comes with different designs...
Little Prince choosen Space design;
Little Princess like Princess design;
And little baby prince ops for Dinosaur design...
Vibrant and cute cartoon facing designs...

Meo kids mask delivers extraordinary levels of comfort,
As well ass class leading filtration of harmful particles...

The Helix filter is the key of MEO mask's effectiveness..
The result of many years of scientific research..
It unlocked the protection qualities of wool,
From bred-for-purpose sheep in Wanaka, New Zealand..
Helix Filter media:
The world's most breathable filter,
Low inhale and exhale resistance...

Washable facing cover are environmental friendly...

If you are not so hardworking to wash your mask...
You may also ops for disposible mask...

Comes in 3 pcs in a pack....

For more information...
Call hotline at 1700-81-5022
Or watsapp 012-6268922
You might email

Check out
Or Meo's facebook or Meo's instagram


el said...

Mcm wajib beli jer mask mcm ni very hygiene dan dia pya design for kids sgt cute..worth to buy

Red Linda said...

.bercorak,nice.syok nk pakai jadi mcm aksesori. semalam berebut beli mask kt guardian.byk dh out of stock..

take care:-)

SalinaJohari said...

Musim jerebu ni kena beli gak la..kesihatan perlu dititikberatkan. So comel la mask, cute je bila anak-anak pakai.Dan part yang best washable..

Dakwat Pena said...

Dh muaim jerebu ni...penting untuk semua kita pakai mask...sekarang ni on dh mula rasa tekak n hidung perit...ini semua jerebu punya pasal

Mahamahu said...

Nowadays anyone who does this mask business is selling well so it looks like there is such a beautiful and attractive design that people can buy for next year's wear ...

Nadia Johari said...

Musim jerebu memng kene pakai mask..lagi-lagi budak-budak..sennag kene batuk demam semua..Bgusla mask ni..banyak design corak dia..lawa

Bro Framestone said...

Antara benda wajib perlu ada dalam keadaan sekarang nie.

Bagaimana pun, tetap kena kurangkan aktiviti di luar dan juga banyak minum air masak.

Rawlins GLAM said...

They have masks for kids too? Good. Because it is not so easy to find the ones in kids sizes. And the prints are beautiful too.

adlinatasya said...

Hazing so bad these days, really need to get these soon. Thankyou for the post!

mek yunie said...

trendy. mase haze ni elok sangat pakai. and kalau tak haze pun, elok juga pakai sebab air pollutant dari kereta pun boleh menjejaskan kesihatan diri.

Tengkubutang said...

comey jugak yang bercorak ni.. hehe.. tapi TB suka yang plain lagi.. cuma kalau budak2 elok la pakai yang bercorak.. dah itu yang menarik hati diorang nak pakai mask kan..

Aerill Hassan said...

Musim jerebu mmg sangat2 perlukan mask, kalau tak, baik duduk dalam rumah sahaja. Macam saya selalu naik motor, mmg perlukan mask mcm ni.

AyuArjuna BiGoshh said...

Mmg kena ada oersediaan. I pun beli
Mask siap2 utk anak2. Bahayalah musim jerebu
Macam ni

Syamimi Saad said...

Alalala.. Comel je ada corak corak pada mask tu.
So budak budak tak segan nak pakai,kan..
Bagi yang mengalami masalah jerebu, kena berjaga jaga sebaiknya.

Mira Cikcit said...

Masks like these looks better which would make kids wanna wear it. With the bad haze condiition now, we as parents need to do something to make sure our children are protected.

Mouse Mommy Treats said...

Just at the right time! Haze very severe now in Malaysia. Everyone should wear face mask now. Thanks for sharing info.

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