Monday, October 19, 2020

MamyPoko unveils world's first anti-mosquito diaper

MamyPoko launched its latest...
MamyPoko Extra Dry Protect diaper,
The world's first mosquito repelling diaper,
That utilises patented Japanese technology,
To help parents to protect their babies...

While focus on dengue has been pushed to the backburner,
Due to the current global COVID-19 pandemic,
The dangers of dengue are still very much prevalent..

The latest innovation,
The MamyPoko Extra Dry Protect diaper,
Uses Japan patented technology,
To capture lemongrass extract in microcapsules,
Which are embedded onto the surface of the diaper tapes...

A well known natural repellant,
The lemongrass extract in the microcapsules,
Will be activated when rubbed or scratched,
Releasing a pleasant scent,
That repels mosquitoes...

The extract is proven to be safe for babies,
Alcohol-free and DEET-free
With the diaper straps,
Requiring no skin contact,
So parents will not need to worry...

Product presentation..
By Mr. Makoto Anezaki..
Marketing Director,
Unicharm Malaysia...
Panel session...
Dr Nurhafiza binti Zainal...
Senior Lecturer,
Department of Medical Microbiology,
Faculty of Medicine,
University Malaya...

Associate Prof. Dr Gan Chin Seng,
Head of paediatric Intensive Care Unit,
University of Malaya Medical Centre...

Makoto Anezaki
Unicharm Malaysia's Marketing Director..

To sign up and take action now,
To show your support to Dengue Awareness Campaign...

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