Daddy came back with this form after he went buy some stuff in Parkson...
Parent-baby dress-alike?
Looks fun!~
We're gonna have a photography day for this!~
In order to dress-alike,
We must have alike attire!~
The one and only: Army costume!~
Special thanks to Aunty Maggie, again!~
Who bought this little soldier attire all the way from Bangkok!~
Ok, now decide!~
Photo shoot with daddy or mummy or both?
We only have one army t-shirt,
And one of us must be photographer...
Mummy said many people said I look like daddy more~~~
Daddy-me, dress-alike, look-alike!~
Mummy will be the photographer then!
I really enjoy my photography day!~
Daddy comes up the idea of applying yellow-green make up on our face!~
Looks cute and cool and funny!~
And more like the real soldiers!~
Daddy-son Army Team!~
Right after we snap lots and lots of photos,
It rain really very very heavily~
Phew!~ Lucikily we got some nice shoot here!~
Later on,
We submit one photo!~
Very precious one...
Need to buy RM100 bb stuff in Parkson only can have one entry!~
But ok la.. since all the stuff I need to use also...
Mummy said,
Taking part and enjoying the photo sessions is the part of the fun and joy...
Winning will be a BONUS!~
Guess what!~
Mummy received a call from Parkson
And ask us to collect our prize in Pavilion!~
We got the BONUS!!!
Yeah yeah!~ I won!~
Consolation prize!~
Not big prize, but good enough!~
This is what we get:
Hamper from Baby Freedom...
Special thankx to Racheal's mummy~~~
For informing mummy about the contest winner featured in The Star 13Aug...
Special thankx to mummy's coleague, Steven~~~
For finding backdated newspaper for mummy~~~
They only displayed big prize's photos though...
I manage to glimpse through the first 3 winners' photos~~~
Cool enough......

wow...congrats for that BIG hamper!
yup~ quite big~~
hamper worth RM150...
hey first of all congrats for the win in the baby-parent dress alike contest! wow...that's a very BIG & attractive hamper!
and that photo you sent a great shot!
i saw that article with all the winner's photos in the STAR august 13th or 18th i can't remember...i hope you managed to get a copy of it and frame it up yeah...
secondly, thks for dropping by our blog...your boy boy is so cute!
I dunno it's on The Star..
Didn't manage to get a copy!~
Anyone have THE STAR 13 or 18 AUG?
andrewjune, thanks for dropping by and thanks for informing!~ :)
Congrats! Little Prince is really photogenic. :)
thankx mummy gwen!~
Congratulations ... another winning from little prince. Nice shots from mommy :)
Congrats to you!!
Wow! doesn't matter about the consolation prize, you guys WON! tHAT'S most important! so lucky! but with a photo like that, I'll pick you too if I were the judge.
Wow! Congrates again! Bb Sean and his daddy really looks alike! They deserve to win.
CONGRATULATIONS to daddy n little prince for winning the contest, such adorable photo shoot. BTW, thanks for dropping by my blog.
congrats on d win! dady & son shot was cool & cute!!
look at d hamper sure made every effort worth it....thks for visiting!!
Caroline, that's the best shot among all taken tat day!~ hahaha...
Joanne, TQ!~
Angeline, ya~ I do think consolation prize is good enough as well.. :)
Serene, 99% people who c them both said sean looks a lot like daddy~ Then I realize little tiny mini things like how the hair growing style, skin complexion, also look real alike with dad!~
Kiasumum, thanks for dropping by, too...
Jacss, really did enjoy every single moment together!~ Hamper was indeed a bonus to us.. ;)
TQ for visit my blog, too..
Congrats! This photo really nice :0
I got awards for you. So feel free to drop my blog :)
hi ping, thankx for compliment and thankx for the award!~
Congrats! Another winning entry. Indeed it's a great pic. Little Prince is surely your lucky charm.
wow.........u very good la. always win contest one......
yes, that picture is definitely a winning look. so matching, father n son :)
keep it up
Wow, that's a nice photo! Congratulations!
Kylie, finally I am able to get the newspaper cutting that shown this award. You want it? I can post it to you..
But one thing, it only showed the grand prize, 1st prize and second prize winner...
Congrats on the winning. Great picture!
U got a very cute and handsome boy!
Julie, little prince is always my lucky charm~~~
Littlelamb, just try try enter... The process is fun!~
Shoppingmum, TQ!~
Joanne, my colig just handover his 13August Star to me!~ Anyway, thankx for taking the effort to cut it out and reserve for me and offer to post it!~ Really appreciate...
Annie Q, thankx for compliment!~
wow..congrats!! know, i always like to see little kids with camo attire!
Ai yak..too late for offering my help..haha.
nevermind lah..:-)
Huisia, TQ!~
Joanne, thankx a lot still... really appreciate it!~
Congrats! Little Prince reserved the prize. He is so cute.
thankx sy!~
congratulations!...d pic is really a nice shot
thankx queenie!~
So good, winning hampers very nice :D And this is not your 1st time right?
Sue, my boy help me save a lot of money by winning himself hamper.. haha~~~
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