Since need Dugro's logo...
And I'm consuming Mamex Mamil...
Later on manage to get one Dugro logo by chance,
And post one entry.
And post one entry.
Received this parcel from Danone Dumex:
I'm one of the weekly winner!~~~~~~
I won myself my 2nd camera...
The Panasonic Lumix 8.1!!!
Congrats congrats...
U really have winning lucks...
Btw, do you plan to sell the camera??
Cos I need a new one :(
Wow.. so good! Win a digital camera!!
Wah! So handsome in a tux!
Ah... Mommy and Daddy so rajin to get you into winning really cool stuff!!
congrats yeah...
Congrats! Wow a nice gift! Lil prince is a prince charming indeed, no wonder he is the winner.
Congrats! Won a nice camera too, so lucky. Can find an agent for Sean to do some ads and modeling already haha.
Wow! nice camera...Congrats!!
wow!!! nice gift!!! camera wor.. lil Sean must be the LUCKY star for the family!!!!
Littlelamb, not selling, my bro wanna use it.. sorry!~
Serene, yup~ 8.1 megapixel somemore.. But too bad, without memory card..
Moomykin, Dora, Thankx for compliment.
June, Grace, Fussy Mum, TQ!~
Mummy Gwen, Not into modelling la.. Juz send photos for fun..
Agnes, He's always the lucky cutie star in the family..
wow congrats!! you really have lucks!!
Congrats! Weekly winners get a camera? Wow... vy attractive prize!
Huisia, thankx
Slavemom, yup, very attractive prizes for this contest!~
Congratulation to you and to Sean too.
i luv your boys' photo. so cute! another winning streak huh! congrats!!!
Joanne, 2ma, thankx!~
Congrats! I saw the contest but I'm not a Dumex fan so cannot participate. When are they having one for Wyeth fan ar?
What a great win! "keng man"...camera wor :)
Congrats....baby Sean is a lucky baby, Always win in the picture contest.
Julie, I think I saw Wyeth oso got 1 contest... I saw got mummy blogger posted out their winning also!~ Submit photos on posing with eyes 1... But didn't participate as my boy is not consuming Wyeth.. :)
Olive, hehe~~ 2nd cam he won d..
Mery, thankx~
wow! congratulations! btw, I have an ongoing Giveaway at my site sweetytots the prize is one month membership in an exclusive creative school, where your kids may want to learn to sing,do arts&craft, cooking, photography and a lot more. Id like to invite you to join.. Please visit sweetytots for more info
Thankx for informing~
Congratulations !
BB Sean is so adorable and photogenic :)
bb sean is so charming! congrats dear :)
Congrats... digital camera, yeah, can take more pic for Sean!!
JoAnne, Kristie, Mummy Moon, thankx all~
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