Joanne give me this Brillante Weblog Premio -2008 award.
First time receive blog award!~
TQ so much, Joanne!
Here are the rules that come with the award:
The rules are these:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to these blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
Now, here's the 7 brillante blogger I'd like to nominate:
Mummy Gwen
Health Freak Mom
Slave Mom
Thank you so much Kylie for the award. It's very sweet of u. Really appreciate it. :)
u're the most welcome :)
You are most welcome Kylie. You really deserved the award.
Remember, I am your blog super fans! Hehe.
Thanks so much for the award...thanks for keeping me in mind. :)
Joanne, I got blogging fans somemore.. hahahah pai seh!~ thanks a lot for supporting my blog, too..
blessed mum, U're welcome!~
Thx for the award! And here's something in return for u. ;)
Gee, thanks so much for the award. My first ever! Love it! Thank you so much:)
Slavemom, didn't expect to have something in return!~ thanks ya!~
Olive, u're the most welcome... I love your popeye blog.. hmmm~~~
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