Mummy said she'll cook macaroni for me...
She boiled the macaroni,
And add in milk,
And Cheese...
While feeding me,
Mummy smash the macaroni into small small pieces,
Easier for me to chew and swallow...
I don't like the macaroni taste...
Any mummies out there can teach my mummy to cook nicer macaroni?
I love the cheesy cheese...
Delicious cheese stick :)
Mummy introduce me another new food recently...
The greatest part is:
It comes with lots of flavours!~
I don't like vanilla,
But mangoes, grapes, strawberries taste nice!~
Daddy said he want to buy me chocolate and orange flavours soon!~
Yummy yummy yummy.......
I want more new taste,
More more new delicious food...
About Sean doesn't want to drink his milk, does he snacks too much before his milk? Is he teething? U r doing great by introducing him with calcium rich foods such as cheese and yogurt. Tofu, broccoli, kale, dry beans and tofu are rich source of calcium too.
Somehow the macaroni and cheese don't taste so good with baby formula for me. It turned out bit powdery. I heat up butter in a pan, then the milk and lastly some cheese. Stir the pre-boiled macaroni into the pan last. But Gwen doesn't really like it..haha..
Jonathan loves calciyum too. I find that it's not that sourish compare to other brands.
You can try giving BB Sean a piece of cheese to bit too.
Gwen, I oso cannot find the reason until now.. I'll try to find solution and introduce those food u mentioned.. thankx for the advice.. :)
so, gwen oso dun like macaroni~~~ Maybe macaroni not suitable to introduce to bb yet? hmm...
Julie, he loves the cheesestick and can finish the whole stick at one time!~ :)
i tried cooking macaroni and cheese to ashley when she was over a year old. i used chicken stock as soup base to boil the macaroni to make it tastier (learnt it from another blogging mommy).
oh sean doesn't drink milk eh? even when he was a baby? ashley stopped completely when she was 8 months old and i freaked out. in the end, i spoonfed her with Barney vcd playing. it went on till she's 2 1/2. thank god now she drink by herself from a cup (but still with barney / sesame street on) *pengsan*
Mommy to chumsy, chicken stock as soup base? great idea.. I shall try it next time :) thankx...
Spoon-feed until 2 1/2? geng~~~~~~ not since born, just recently... Maybe I hv to change his milk formula and c how~~~~~~
Oh, all my 4 kids love calciyum too! And I think it is such a clever name.
I think veg is an acquired taste - so from the time baby can eat mashed up food, mash cooked veg in their food and the child will grow accustomed to the taste... then they will grow up liking veg like carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, chye sim, etc. My kids love these veg, no complains from them when I pile veg on their dinner plate.
Valtay, 4 of ur kids love calciyum? U must stock up a lot in ur fridge.. ;) boys love cheese macaroni, but we had never added milk in it before...hmmm... maybe its the milk that spoil the taste...
My boy still doesn't like macaroni till today...he likes spagetti tho'. Really "pui fok" u introducing so many varieties of food to Sean. Good to pile up on all forms of calcium.
Normally I will cook the macaroni and sprinkle the cheese on top of it till it melts .. sometimes, I would add some steam vege(in cube size) in the pasta too :)Hope it helps!
Somehow cooking macaroni for Sarah also give me headache. I have failed for the first time, and the second time I served it with sup. Luckily she likes it. Dont give up Kylie, maybe you just need to try and error, and at the end, you will know what suits Sean.
Good that Sean likes yogurt. Such a long time Sarah did not have it. I think I will buy it soon.
I nvr tried Macaroni yet for Ryan...will giv a try nextime n c hows the outcome.
Angeline, I'll try to avoid adding milk for my next macaroni cooking... thankx for the advice :)
Olive, I just hope sean get enough nutrients he need for all his development..
Hn, thankx for the advice :)
Joanne, the yogurt, first time I let him eat vanilla he oso dun like it.. lucikily he loves other flavours...
Mery, hope your little Ryan loves it!~
My gal likes cheese and yoghurt too but so far, she has not tried macaroni & cheese. I should try cooking for her one day.
Fussymom, hope ur gal likes it :)
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