Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Parenthood Magazine

Aunty Jennifer inform mummy that I'm in Parenthood Magazine September 2008!~
Together with Winnie's baby Chloe and Hannee's baby Chloe...
Oh Great!~

We met Aunty Winnie and baby Chloe during Parenthood Expo in Mid Valley last weekend,
Now little Chloe's photo and my photo are featured in the same magazine!~
So ngam~~~~

After happy vacation in Bukit Tinggi,
Mummy sent my photo to Today Publishing last month,
For 'Happy Holiday With Fiffy' Session...
And here's my photo, publish in Parenthood Magazine!~
Special thankx to Today Publishing, for selecting my photo...
Special thankx to aunty Jennifer, for informing us speedy...
Special congratulations to Little Chloe x2, too...

Later on,
Mummy received this letter from Today Publishing...
Aunty Jennifer really got sharp eyes and very update!~
Her news even faster than Today's letter...

Daddy said he's going to collect my prize this Saturday...
Only know I'll get Fiffy products~~~
Don't know what will it be, yet!~
Kind of looking forward for my prize...


agnes said...

walau... mommy really hardworking to join all the contest for lil sean eh?!?!! :P

i alwaz wanted to try but dont have follow up action each time!!! lazy lah... :)

congrats!!! no doubt lil prince is very handsome and cute...

LHS said...

congrats congrats!!

SY said...

Congrats again..

Mummy Gwen said...

haha..Mini model in the making. So handsome little prince Sean, :)

cre8tone said...

Agnes, I think my sean must be thinking: This mummy a.. always send in my photos 1!~ hahahaha~~~ U oso try la, just send in the photo onli... :)

huisia & sy, thankx~

mummy gwen, TQ for compliment!~

Hazel said...

wow, congrats....

LittleLamb said...

mummy...how do u gel baby sean hair?
is it use water or the real stuff??? this sat, philip will go for wedding n need to dress him smartly.

cre8tone said...

hazel, thankx!~

littlelamb, his dad gel for him... last time use baby oil, but the hair cannot stand... then use water, sekejap hv to re-gel, cannot tahan.. then now daddy use little bit of his hair gel, this is the outcome~~~~~
Last weekend brought sean to my fren's wedding, too... i oso dress smart smart for him.. haha~~~ Can't wait to c philip's smart look~~~ :)

MommyAngel said...

Hi Peiwun, Congratulations to you. You also got fitti product ah? Me too but I will only go and collect my price end of the month. Congratulations again and I am sure you house is loaded with bb product that Little Prince has won over the year :)

Serene said...

congrates congrates!!

cre8tone said...

Caroline, if I collect earlier than u i'll let u know wat's the fiffy product we'll get.. :)

cre8tone said...

btw, I think ur angel won 2 this month rite? wat's the other?

Serene, TQ

MommyAngel said...

Yup, she won 2 and the other one is another chinese mag which she has won a Pigeon hamper.

Sarah's Daddy and Mommy said...

Congrats again!

cre8tone said...

Wow!~ Angel got 2 hampers this month!~ :)

Joanne, thankx again!~ ;)

Anonymous said...

Congrats, you win again!

slavemom said...

Congrats! Hardworking mom + handsome bb = famous bb + wonderful prizes. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulation ! I do participate in this last time but i not manage to win any prize :(

Now i seldom wash the photo do i didnt join any contest.

cre8tone said...

Julie, TQ!~

Slavemom, got equation somemore, u really creative.. haha!~

Ping, wish u win for ur next participation!~ :)

andrewjune said...

wah lucky baby ahhh...
congratulations! i am sure TODAY Publishing and FIFFY will be giving away great prizes! You will be amazed...let us know what are the products ok...
congrats once again!
that's a very cute photo lah...

cre8tone said...

June, will post up again, once got the prizes :)

Oliveoylz said...

Wow! 2 magazine appearances in the same month! Hip Hip Hooray!

cre8tone said...

Really a happy lucky birthday month!~ :)

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