September 09 issue!~
In J&J's Goodbye Tears Hello Smiles session...
It's my birthday month!~
Closer view of the featured photo:
Thankx to Today Publishing,
Special thankx to Mom Baby Magazine, too
And thankx to J&J for the birthday gift!~
Looking forward for my birthday!
Huh? How come it's Hello Tears and Goodbye Smile? Not the other way around? Anyway, CONGRATS again on your win!
Leng chai, leng chai! The J&J gift is really handy and useful :) How many times has Sean appeared in magazines? I believe easily more than 15 times? He is indeed very photogenic :) Every photographers dream model.
COngratulations! now u can wash your hair as often as you want... n put lots of suds on it! :)
congrats to your little prince! happy b'day to him!
handsome boy.. and of course, not forgetting to wish you Happy Birthday ya.. :D
CONGRATULATION on the winning too!
Chloe, haha~~~ didn't realize I typed wrongly.. Change it already, thankx for remind..
Olive, didn't actually calculate how many times... Don't think that much la.. haha~~ thankx~
Merryn, wash his hair everyday even now...
恩轩至佳_密池, Cynthia, thankx~
Congratulations! He's indeed very photogenic :)
Hi, Congratulations to u ,and wish ur baby happy Bday !Actaully my baby also one of the winner for this contest ^^
Have you count how many awards that you have totally got?
Happy Birthday to little Sean in advance!
Gratz!!! And Happy Birthday. :)
Congrats! Too bad the contest ended this month.
Congrats! Little prince is truly a star. He's been featured in mags so many times. Like a norm edi. ;)
Congrats......!! Happy Bday to Sean in advance!!
Sean is so handsome. :)
And birthday coming soon! Time flies.
Happy Birthday!
congrats again!
wow, another achievement!! *clap, clap*
Fussy mum, thankx for compliment~
Jasmine, I saw your little one's photo, too! With very cheerful smile!
The little prince, cheeyee, Mery, Moomykin, thankx for the birthday wish!
Julie, I always saw Jonathan's photos in magazines, too!~
Slavemom, June, 2ma, thankx~
COngratulations to Little Prince! He has the winning looks, the winning smile and has won in many baby contests...can become celebrity baby already :-)!
Alice, TQ~
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