Friday, September 7, 2018

Anlene On-the-Go

Everyone knows......
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day...
Say is always easier than done........
With busy and packed daily schedule,
It's truly hard to get a cheap, healthy and easy breakfast.....

Anlene knows all of us the best!!!

With Anlene On-the-Go promotion...
Able to enjoy healthy breakfast!
By grabbing RM1 Breakfast Pack,
At LRT Stations....

Anlene UHT Milk + Croissant
At only RM1!!!~
Oh yes!
You heard me right!!
Cheap cheap only!

Great news is:
Anlene milk is not only high calcium that's good for bones!~
It contains Protein, Collagen, Vitamin B6 B12 D!
Protein: to support muscles' growth and recovery;
Collagen: to benefits the skin...
Vitamins:  help to release energy from food intake and assist maintenance of muscles..
Anlene always care for your bones, joints and muscles...
In short,
It's so healthy!

It's so easy and convenient to consume..
Even the most busy people,
Have no excuse to skip their breakfast now!!!

Enjoying breakfast,
With best buddies ever!~

Yummy breakfast,
Happy faces.....
A great way to start our day!~

Well well well...
Anlene On-the-Go doesn't just end with RM1 Breakfast...

Get to enjoy 50% more nutrients,
To Stay Active, Stay Agile!~
At Anlene's roving truck...

Anlene's roving truck,
Making its way around Klang Valley areas..
Between 5 September to 13 September!~

Super worthy promotions...
Bought home so many Anlene's goodies!~
And take my sweet sweet time...
Enjoying all of it at home.....

Wonderful experience,
To meet Malaysia's dancing queen,
Stacy Anam...
And Jump Higher together with Anlene...

A jump that can be captured,
On a LED billboard!!~
Keep going....
Keep going!~
It's exercising time~~~
Truly healthy lifestyle, isn't it?

Of course,
The fun doesn't just end with jumps!
Checked email.....
And look for my surprise voucher!~
Redeemed my Anlene UHT Milk!~
Fui Yoh!!!
Such a wonderful day!!

Thanks Anlene,
For planting lots and lots of smiles...
On each and everyone's faces!~

Stay Active, Stay Agile!

Drink Anlene UHT Milk,
Jump Higher . Feel Happier . Get Healthier .

For more information,
Visit Anlene's website at
For more updates,
Hop over to Anlene's facebook at


Qaseh Dalia said...

Anlene sedap ! Suka rasa dia ala-ala waktu sekolah dulu memang bagus untuk diambil waktu breakfast

Sherry Go Sharing said...

yeah I drink Anlene too. Already finished drink them shall go buy again. But now not well so I need to wait til I am better first.

Ibu Syurga said...

Tiap pagi kalau Ibu jalan kaki di KLCC memang ada orang jual sarapan pagi susu kotak ni dengan roti seketul. Memang murah pun

Mama Hakim said...

Bagusnya, ada juga sarapan murah untuk warga kota yang sedang bergerak ke pejabat. Tak payah beli di kedai segera yang mahal

Nadia Johari said...

yeah..memang sedap air anlene ni..terbaik sangat..leh kuatkan tulang dan otot..lebih mudah bila ade anlen on teh go ni..terus minum je..

Travel and Home Enthusiast said...

Saya lebih suka minum susu kambing kerana kandungan zat dalamnya lebih mudah di serap oleh badan. Lagipun susu kambing tak ada alahan laktosa

Jalan- Jalan Hotel said...

Wahh so cheap! How I wish this promo can last longer. Hopefully anlene can do something like this in future again

Dunia Farisya said...

Im not milk lover tapi once milk tu ade choc flavour i akan beli dan test.Haha.Anlene tak pernah cuba tapi pasni akan cuba sebab nampak sedap je hahaha

Fadzi Razak said...

I love to drink anlene too but I would prefer the chocolate one. Do they have chocolate flavor in small box portion?

Unknown said...

this is great. the Anlene on the go trucks will give alot of working people a chance to have at least a little something for breakfast.

AlongMurni said...

Program yg dibuat Anlene nie mmg bagus.. di samping menggalakkan masyrakat malaysia mengamalkan pemakanan yg sihat, ia juga menggalakan aktiviti yg sihat.. syabas!!

Hanny Abdullh said...

Syiok betul tengok blogger postkan event Anlene ni..dapat pulak tangkap gambar dengan stacy lagi lah syiok. Mesti uoll dapat bawak balik banyak Anlene kan? Jelesnya..sis pun suka susu Anlene ni

Syamimi Saad said...

tak pernah lagi minum susu anlene ni. tak tahu la kenapa. Ada perisa coklat kan? Sedap tak ye?
Ingat nak try juga nanti. Susu anlene kena minum juga kan untuk kekuatan tulang kita.

mrsliez said...

Happening event rite? I also there and try the jump and you know what... everyone around there look at us..but its something different to do this to promote ur new products.. said...

Anlene ni banyak kebaikan, ibu saya mengamalkan anlene semenjak umur 20an lagi. Nampk dia memng sentiasa cergas dan susuah nak dapat sakit

Zharif Azis said...

If was fun jumping in front of Lot 10 together with Stacy. I wish to do it again someday. Hopefully there will be more campaign like this in the future

Lia Hasty said...

Now easy to find breakfast food only RM1.00 Don't have an excuse to skip my breakfast now with this healthy milk.

cindyrina said...

So nice! Get free breakfast from Anlene. anlene indeed my most preferred brand for milk at this age. No babies drink milk . I think we shouldnt stop drinking it!

Mawardi yunus said...

Saya memang penggemar produk Anlene. Memang sedap dan best. Bagus Anlene buat program macam ni.

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