Tuesday, January 22, 2019

ALPS Medical Centre

ALPS Medical centre,
As a primer in early detection of cancer in Malaysia..

Approaching a great new technology,
In clinic care setting..
APLS operated by TMC Global Holdings Sdn Bhd,
Is now offering high quality health care to the community...

Recently, ALPS is providing health screening services,
Specifically for early detection of cancer,
By the age of 30 years old...

 ALPS also is an expert in aesthetic services,
Such as botox injection, chemical peel,
Q-Switch Laser, Thermage,
Cryolipolysis and injectable dermal fillers,
While cosmetic treatments available including..
Liposuction, double eyelid and correction,
Fat transfer and lip augmentation..

Comfortable room for customers to rest...

 The lucky winner..

Call ALPS at 03-2166133 or 03-21638113
Or email ask@alpsmedical.com
Or visit www.alpsmedical.com
For more information,
Regarding on ALPS Medical Centre..


Nina Mirza said...

Banyak aesthetic services yang disediakan kat sini ya selain early examination of cancer. Canggih! Ingatkan selalu kena pi hospital jer, tapi yelah... Hospital biasanya Q panjang. Bagus ada tempat pilihan lain untuk checking.

Syiera Firdaus said...

Ohh wow. Nice room and cozy they provided. Kalau sakit pun boleh relax and chill. Usia meningkat ni memang kena la buat medical check up.

AyuArjuna BiGoshh said...

Nampak camggih teman at ni. Fasiliti yang disediakan semua superb. Alternatif utk mereka yg hendak menerima rawatan

irrayyan said...

Penyakit sekarang tak kenal usia. Molek lah dari awal kita dah screening penyakit di samping jangan lupa jaga pemakanan dan gaya hidup yang sihat. Bagus dengan adanya klinik ni.

Teringin nak buat estatic tu..

Hanny Abdullh said...

Best tempat ni..siapa nak cantik n siapa nak sihat bolehlah datang ke sini kan. Sis ni pun dah banyak garis2 halus kat muka..tengah pikir nak kesana or tak, takut dengan jarum actually..hehehe

Dakwat Pena said...

Bagus ada tempat rawatan kecantikan bertauliah mcm ni...sekurang2 nya masyarakat terjamin...tq for the info

Rawlins GLAM said...

Wow. ALPS is offering so many services for the public and to be able to service for 30 years, of course the service is great.

Mimie said...

Wow i'm impressed. Banyak jugak ya perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan oleh ALPS ni .Tapi jauh pula kalau i nak pergi. If dekat memangbo pergi untuk dapatkan perkhidmatan mereka

Emi said...

Oh, this is my first time hear about this medical centre. Thank you for your info.

Julia Mahir said...

What did she win? There's a contest? Too bad we didnt know if not, can join and try to win also. Hehe.

Henry Tan said...

reading from other blogs i thought it is a aesthetic medical center. didn't know they got early cancer detection too. but i guess that's a good thing to find out earlier so that can cure it and higher chance to recover.

Nadia Johari said...

woww..tempat buat facial muka ni..looks interesting..sekali sekala pergi facial muka best juga kan

Mek Onie said...

Wahhhhhhh! Bagus ALPS Medical Centre ni. Ada sistem pengesanan awal untuk kanser. Baguslah gitu. Dan banyak juga ye servis yang disediakan. kira one stop centre la kan :D

Zharif Azis said...

So it is one of the newest addition aesthetic clinics in Malaysia. Congratulations ALPS ! I will definitely pay a visit to the clinic someday. My face is in need of a good treatment.

Faries said...

Great hospital for everyone! They also offer for beauty purpose. All the facilities offer also look very comfort. hehehe

precious cla said...

Cantiknya clinic dia, kemas dan nampak tenang je ^^ tapi branch dia belum ada kat Sabah. Hopefully someday, dia buka branch area KK pula

Alia Farhan said...

Woww. Untunglah dat lucky winner...
Tak pernah lagi buat treatment dejat tmpt2 mahal mcm ni.. Huhuhy

xulhlmi said...

Wah, bagusnya ada Medical Centre yang selesa dan banyak servis. Bolehlah buat facial treatment dengan ALPS MC

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