This is great motivation sticker!~
I get Buzz Lightyear, Woody, Jessie, Rex etc...
When I done or achieve something great:
Finish a meal all by myself...
Listen to daddy and mummy's instruction...
Helping mummy to look after mei mei...
I love stickers!~
Toys Story stickers! Chloe will love this too. I'm sure this will be a good motivation for Sean to be an obedient little boy :)
Nice stickers.....
Wonder why kids love stickers so much, my boys also the same! :)
Wow...with encouraging words on them. Really motivating. haha....Sure Sean sean enjoy collecting them.
I bought these Toy Story stickers for my son too, but am still keeping it first because he is going to tear and crumble it. Wait till he's older first. hehehe....vessecro
You deserve it little prince!
Good that it works on u, lil prince!
So, be a good boy and you will have lots of stickers then. Motivational stickers do not work on Darren..
Chloe, yah! Very nice one..
Mery, with motivation words somemore..
KidsDreamWork, super love!
mNhL, yes.. he's enjoying..
cheeyee, yup~
Alice, wait first then..
Mummy Gwen, always ask for more..
slavemom, yes, definately.. easier for mummy.. haha!
Mummy Darren need to find better options then.. haha!
hmm..looks like Toy Story is the lastest hit with children. we also just bought a Toy Story Lego set for a birthday boy...haha.
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